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All Classic Ads Vintage Collection - Automobiles
Alfa Romeo • AMC • Amphicar • Aston Martin • Auburn Speedster • Audi • Austin • Bentley • BMW • British Leyland • Bugatti • Buick • Cadillac • Chevrolet • Chrysler • Citroen • Cobra • Cooper • Datsun • DeSoto • Dodge • Ferrari • Fargo Trucks • Fiat • Fisher Body • Ford • Ford Trucks • GMC • Hillman • Honda • Hudson • Hupmobile • Jaguar • Kaiser • Lamborghini • Lancia • Land Rover • Lincoln • Lotus • Maseratti • Mazda • Mercedes Benz • Mercury • MG • Morris • Nash • Nissan • Oldsmobile • Packard • Pantera • Peugeot • Plymouth • Pontiac • Porsche • Renault • Rolls Royce • Rover • Saab • Studebaker • Subaru • Toyota • Triumph • Tucker • Volkswagen • Volvo • Willys Overland
The term ‘automobile' derived its meaning from the Greek root ‘auto' meaning ‘self' and the Latin word ‘mobilis' meaning ‘movement' and therefore the term came to designate that it was a vehicle that did not require the aid of any other animal or vehicle for its movement and could be driven by itself. An automobile may also be referred to as a motor car which refers to a vehicle which runs by the functioning of its own motor.
It is quite interesting to note that there is a bit of dispute regarding the first vehicles that ever strode on the surface of the earth. While some credit Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot for attaining this amazing feat around the 1770s by designing the very first self-driven mechanical three-wheeler vehicle, it is held by some others that it was Ferdinand Verbiest who around 1672 had built the first ever steam powered vehicle.
In both cases the common link is the renowned Swiss inventor named Francois Isaac de Rivaz who was responsible for combining the resources of hydrogen and oxygen to create the first internal combustion engine which was subsequently used for running the first vehicles on the earth's surface.
It must be noted here that this creation was not quite successful and the 19th century witnessed a series of innovations in the art of creating the predecessor of the modern cars. It was in 1885 that Karl Benz manufactured a vehicle which functioned with the aid of an Otto gasoline engine and this design was sanctioned by the relevant authorities and it is Karl Benz who is popularly regarded as the inventor of the modern vehicle.
In 1896, Benz conceptualized the first internal combustion flat engine. These vehicles were mostly three-wheelers and were extremely popular before the inception of the four-wheeler vehicles in the closing years of the 19 th century. Another very prominent automobile company in those times was founded by Daimler and Maybach named Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft in the year 1890. In fact it was in 1890 that the first foundations of the automobile industry were laid in France by Armand Peugeot and Emile Levassor. In the United States of America , the first car with an in-built internal combustion engine was manufactured by George Selden in 1877.
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All Classic Ads Vintage Collection - Aviation
Boeing • Dehavilland • Douglas Aircraft • Lockheed Aircraft
As early as 400 B.C. Archytas, a Greek scholar, built a wooden pigeon that moved through the air. It is unknown exactly how this was done, bu most believe that the Greek coected it to a steam powered arm that made it go in circles. About 300 B.C, the Chinese developed kites, which are a form of gliders, which much later in history allowed humans to fly in them.
During Greek times a great mathematician, Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy in about 200 BC. He discovered how and why some objects float in liquids This fact helped in the progress of true flight. When the great libraries in Alexandria, Egypt were destroyed in 500 A.D. the discoveries of Archimedes and many others were lost for a thousand years. 2000 years later men used Archimedes' principle to help them with the hot-air-balloon. Later in 1290 A.D Roger Bacon thoerized that air, like water, has something solid around it, and something built correctly could be supported by the air.
Early attempts to defy gravity involved the invention of ingenuous machines, such as ornithopters. These were based upon designs written in 1500 by Leonardo da Vinci. This type of flying machine utilizes the flapping of the wings in order to achieve flight. Needless, is to say that all attempts to fly using this type of machine failed. n 1680, Giovanni Borelli stated that people's muscles are too weak to flap the large surfaces needed to obtain flight. Later, aditional reasons were found. Since the remarkable physiological capabilities of birds can never be matched by human beings. In other words our heart beat rate must have to go up to 800 heart beats per minute in order to be able to achieve flight.
The first free flight in a artifical device was done by two Frenchmen, Jean F. Pilatre de Rozier, and Marquis d'Arlandes. They achieved this with large linen ballon, and floated for more than five miles over Paris, Francere.
Between 1650 and 1900 this approach was used to flight. The most common gases proposed was water vapor, helium and hydrogen. The first successful attempts at achieving flight using his type of crafts were made by the Montgolfier brothers in France. Their most successful attempt was in 1783 when in a public demonstration, they achieved 6000 ft in a balloon with a diameter of more than 100 ft. As time went by, it was soon recognized that balloons although able to achieve flight, were basically handicapped by a total lack of directional control. This problem was solved with the introduction of power plants or engines in elongated-like balloons. This elongated shape helped reduce drag in order to decrease the power size. The most successful builder of this type of lighter-than-air craft was Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, whose name is synonymous with large rigid dirigibles. The term "dirigible" really means controllable. In the early 1930's the German Graf Zeppelin machine was able to make a Trans-Atlantic flight to the United States. They flew 18 mph and had a rigid metal frame that kept it in flight even if gas or power was lost. The Zeppelin design was copied and improved by others throughout the world. One such airship was 3 times larger than a Boeing 747 and cruised at 68 mph. It made regular flights from Europe to South America in which 24 people had their own suites and dined from menus prepared by famous chefs.The large Hindenburg was equally successful until it was destroyed by fire while attempting a landing in 1937 in Lakehurst, New Jersey. The Hindenburg marked the end of large scale Zeppelin travel.
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1900 - 1919 |
1940 - 1949 |
1970 - 1979 |
1920 - 1929 |
1950 - 1959 |
1980 - 1989 |
1930 - 1939 |
1960 - 1969 |
1990 - 1999 |
Who was the first
Cigarette Manufacturer?
Cigarettes spread through Europe in the wake of the Napoleonic wars (1792-1815) and became common towards the middle of the century. In the 1840s the cigarette industry was born, although cigarettes were still rolled by hand, mainly by women.
In 1882, the cigarette was a specialty item made by hand, sold for a penny apiece, and very much the stepchild of other tobacco products. However, that was about to change.
An automated cigarette rolling machine, developed by 18-year-old James Bonsack, was put into use in 1883 and revolutionized cigarette production. The retail price was cut in half, and volume, which in premachine days had never exceeded 500 million, leaped to 10 billion by 1910.
Offering a cigarette and a light became a ritual of sociability. The two World Wars helped spread the habit widely (Le Mécanicien de Fernand Léger en 1917). During the 1920s women took up smoking as a sign of modernity. The development of mass media and advertising in the late 19th and 20th Century played a decisive role in securing the popularity of cigarettes. Today 93 percent of the world's tobacco is consumed as cigarettes.
The answer to the question who was the first cigarette manufacturer was in 1856 This is when the First cigarette factory opened. It was in Walworth, England, and owned by Robert Golag, a veteran of the Crimean War. |
All Classic Ads Vintage Collection - Cigarettes
Camel Cigarettes • Marlboro Cigarettes
The written history of the cigarette dates back to the 15th century when Christopher Columbus observed Indians rolling tobacco in maize or palm leaves. In the 16th Century, the poor of Seville collected tobacco scraps and rolled them into paper (papeletes). Portuguese traders carried these cigarillos to the Levant, thus giving birth to the Turkish cigarette. In his memoirs, the 18th Century adventurer Casanova reports smoking a cigarette.
Christopher Columbus brought a few tobacco leaves and seeds with him back to Europe, but most Europeans didn't get their first taste of tobacco until the mid-16th century, when adventurers and diplomats like France's Jean Nicot - for whom nicotine is named - began to popularize its use. Tobacco was introduced to France in 1556, Portugal in 1558, and Spain in 1559, and England in 1565.
The first successful commercial crop was cultivated in Virginia in 1612 by Englishman John Rolfe. Within seven years, it was the colony's largest export. Over the next two centuries, the growth of tobacco as a cash crop fueled the demand in North America for slave labor.
At first, tobacco was produced mainly for pipe-smoking, chewing, and snuff. Cigars didn't become popular until the early 1800s. cheap Cigarettes, which had been around in crude form since the early 1600s, didn't become widely popular in the United States until after the Civil War, with the spread of "Bright" tobacco, a uniquely cured yellow leaf grown in Virginia and North Carolina. Cigarette sales surged again with the introduction of the "White Burley" tobacco leaf and the invention of the first practical cigarette-making machine, sponsored by tobacco baron James Buchanan "Buck" Duke, in the late 1880s.
American cigarettes are a blend of three main tobaccos: Bright, Burley and Oriental. Most Bright and Burley is grown in the United States, while Oriental tobacco, also known as Turkish, is grown in several Mediterranean countries. Bright, which is often called flue-cured or Virginia tobacco, is similar to the large-leaf Spanish tobacco planted by John Rolfe. It is grown primarily in Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Burley tobacco is primarily grown in Kentucky and Tennessee, and also in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Missouri.
Kent is first to introduce smoke filters in 1952. From March 1952 until at least May 1956, the Micronite filter in Kent cigarettes contained a form of asbestos. Kent uses charcoal filters (a form of Activated carbon). The brand is a propriety of British American Tobacco group. The brand is named after Herbert Kent, a former executive at Lorillard Tobacco Company.
Marlboro is a brand of cigarette made by Altria. It is famous for its flavor, billboard advertisements and magazine ads of the Marlboro Man. In 2001 it was the most popular cigarette brand in the U.S.
Philip Morris, a London-based cigarette manufacturer, created a New York subsidiary in 1902 to sell several of its cigarette brands, including Marlboro. By 1924 they were advertising Marlboro as a woman's cigarette based on the slogan "Mild As May".
The brand was sold in this capacity until World War II when the brand faltered and was temporarily removed from the market. At the end of the war, three brands emerged that would establish a firm hold on the cigarette market: Camel, Lucky Strike, and Chesterfield. These brands were supplied to US soldiers during the war, creating an instant market upon their return. But Marlboro, when reintroduced with marketing that tapped into the new popularity of the romanticized cowboy in the 1950s, was able to increase sales by 5000%, returning as a formidable market force.
During the same era Reader's Digest magazine published a series of articles that linked smoking with lung cancer. Philip Morris and the other cigarette companies took notice and each began to market filtered cigarettes. The new Marlboro with a filtered tip was launched in 1955.
The brand is named after Great Marlborough Street, the location of its original London factory. Richmond, Virginia, is now the location of the largest Marlboro cigarette manufacturing plant.
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1900 - 1919 |
1940 - 1949 |
1970 - 1979 |
1920 - 1929 |
1950 - 1959 |
1980 - 1989 |
1930 - 1939 |
1960 - 1969 |
1990 - 1999 |
All Classic Ads Vintage Collection - Motorcycle
BSA Motorcycle • Harley Davidson • Indian Motorcycle • Triumph Motorcycle
A steam velocipede built by inventor Sylvester H. Roper in 1867 may be the earliest known motorcycle. The coal fired steam engine unit is part of a specially built chassis rather than an add-on and had no pedal crank. While Roper’s two-wheeled inventions never found commercial success, his innovations provided inspiration and direction for inventors in the gas-powered motorbike era at the turn of the century.
Another motorcycle, built in 1884 by an Englishman named Edward Butler, looked pretty silly. It had three wheels, not two, and was really just a tricycle with a motor. Nevertheless, people were afraid of Butler’s motorcycle so afraid that they asked the government to pass laws against the new machine. One law said that there must always be three people on a motorcycle. Another said that a man with a red flag must run ahead of the motorcycle, waving the flag and yelling to warn people that a motorcycle was coming.
At about the same time, a German named Gottlieb Daimler invented another kind of motorcycle. Nicholaus Otto, who invented the Otto Cycle, had an assistant, Gottlieb Daimler. Daimler left Otto to develop his own engine. Gottlieb Daimler (who later teamed up with Karl Benz to form the Daimler-Benz Corporation) is often credited with building the first motorcycle in 1885, one wheel in the front and one in the back, although it had a smaller spring-loaded outrigger wheel on each side. It was constructed mostly of wood, with the wheels being of the iron-banded wooden-spooked wagon-type, definitely a "bone-crusher" chassis. It was powered by a single-cylinder Otto-cycle engine, and may have had a spray-type carburetor. (Daimler's assistant, Wilhelm Maybach was working on the invention of the spray carburetor at the time). Paul Daimler, Gottlieb’s young son, was the first to give his dad’s motorcycle a test drive. His daughter is also said to have taken it for a spin, but cracked it up into a tree. He drove it with his engine instead of with a pedal arrangement. But there was a catch: Daimler's motorcycle had two small stabilizing wheels, like a kid's training bike. It was actually a four-wheeled vehicle. Daimler soon went on to build early automobiles. He left it to bicycle builders to develop the two-wheeled motorcycle.
The first really successful production two-wheeler though, was the Hildebrand & Wolfmueller, patented in Munich in 1894. In 1897 a gasoline tricycle built by Louis S. Clarke of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This is a remarkably modern-looking tricycle, converted to self-propulsion by the addition of a single-cylinder gasoline engine mounted just forward of the rear axle.
In 1901, a bicycle racer Oscar Hedstrom designed a motorcycle for the Hendee Manufacturing Company of Springfield, Massachusetts, which later became the Indian Motorcycle Company.
In 1903, 21-year old William S. Harley and 20-year old Arthur Davidson made available to the public the first production Harley-Davidson® motorcycle. The bike was built to be a racer, with a 3-1/8 inch bore and 3-1/2 inch stroke. The factory in which they worked was a 10 x 15-foot wooden shed with the words "Harley-Davidson Motor Company" crudely scrawled on the door. The only American motorcycle manufacturer still in existence from the early days is the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, which celebrated its centennial in 2003.
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1900 - 1919 |
1940 - 1949 |
1970 - 1979 |
1920 - 1929 |
1950 - 1959 |
1980 - 1989 |
1930 - 1939 |
1960 - 1969 |
1990 - 1999 |
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