All Classic Ads - allclassicads.com - Collecting Antique Car Tips
Although it seems that their are many old classic antique vehicles out there, collecting and restoring is relatively young. Regrettably back whey then cars were merely discarded and forgotten about in backyards and junkyards.
Nobody thought about restoring them. Who knew it would become the favourite pass time of collectors all over the world.
Just as a few enthusiasts back in 1935 such as Frank Abramson and Theodore Fiala got together to preserve and restore those highly decorated brass and chrome beauties from before 1915. This was the beginning of The Antique Automobile Club of America.
Collecting old cars and trucks is an activity that involves chalenges, but can achieve remarkable and potencial rewards. Imagine owning a part of history that can be driven and shown off to everyone around you. What a feeling that must be.
What an achivement that can be in your life. This hobby enables you to be in touch we people from all over your country and the world.
It's not just a memory anymore. By owning a piece of history you make a connection with the history of powered transportation.
It's not limited to collecting antique cars or trucks. There are collectors of manuals, books, oil cans, gas station pumps and of coarse All Classic Auto and Truck Advertisements.
Here are a few tips to consider when purchasing or restoring and old collectable antique car or truck.
Budget - Make sure you start with a budget in mind. Spend what you can afford. This is not a daily rider. Maybe start by creating a hobby fund of about $200.00 per month. When the fund gets to a large enough amount then consider purchasing your first collectible antique vehicle.
Storage: Make sure you have a dry place to store it or where you can work on it and keep it clean.
Choice: Research the market and see what people say about particular vehicles. Decide on luxury or sports. Fun to drive and affordable or luxurious and expensive. This is the most important step. Once you own it you have to enjoy and love it. See if the parts are available. See if you can find a dependable mechanic in your area to service it when you can't. Purchase the vehicle manual first to get an understanding of the way the vehicle was built. American or Import - this is the question.
Ownership: Storage, Insurance, Area Inspectios, Registrans, Taxes are all part of the package. You have to be realistic about what you can and cannot afford and handle. Don't get over your head with responsibilites that you can't handle. Research and ask questions.
Contingency Plan: What is the resale value when or if you run into problems. Is there a demand for the vehicle. How quickly can you sell it? What is it's demand and supply? How many where manufactured? What were the options including colour when it was available? How original is your car? Is the vehicle fully original and stock? Do you have the original invoice when purchased and the full history of service and ownership? Is the odometer true or false? Buyer Beware!!!
Consultation: No one can make the decision but you, but a mechanic or fellow collector can save you grief and losses just by asking a few questions. Attending local antique meets and activities can also help you understand the market. Make sure you take the time to make the right decision.
There is a serious side to Antique Car Clubs & Registries. It's more than just fun and games. Getting together periodically and sharing similar hobbies and antique cars. They visit each other's cars and garages. Not to mention driving each other's cars and feeling differences and similarities. Clubs tend to be great contibutors to charties and create great crowds when organizing antique car events in different areas all over the world. All Clubs exist to keep antique cars alive. Often clubs will pool their money to have their own parts made. In large groups it is easier to reproduce original tires in greater volumes when approaching tire companies for particular automobile models.
Here is a list of known Antique Car Clubs and Registries. If you have any new updates, corrections or additions please notify us here.
Alfa Romeo Owners Club of America - The Alfa Romeo Owners Club is a national organization supported by 46 local chapters based in 29 states. We have members in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, and countries around the world. With our presence in so many places, you will have the opportunity to meet with people who also appreciate the many facets of Alfa ownership. These chapters hold regular meetings, publish newsletters, and sponsor technical, competitive, and social activities. AROC holds an annual convention hosted by a different local chapter each year. Convention activities may include such events as tours, rallies, an autocross, time trials, technical sessions on a variety of topics, and Concours d?Elegance. Standard Membership - $60 You receive an Alfa Owner subscription, a membership card, have a vote, and chapter gets dues split.
American Station Wagon Owners Association - The ASWOA an automobile collector club for anyone who loves station wagons. The club is open to all makes and models of wagons and to anyone who is a fan of wagons, whether they own one or not. The club was founded in 1996 and currently has over 500 members around the US and in several foreign countries.
Antique Automobile Club of America - General and Junior Memberships in the AACA are open to all individuals who have a genuine interest in the antique automobile hobby. Ownership of an automobile is not a prerequisite of membership. Up to 18 yearly National Events.
Austin Healey Club of America - The Austin-Healey Club of America (AHCA) is the world's largest Healey club, dedicated to the maintenance, preservation, and enjoyment of Healeys. Our 47 regional clubs, located across the USA and Canada, offer Healey owners and non-owners alike the opportunity to join friendly groups in regular meetings featuring technical sessions, driving events, and social activities. Standard Membership - None
American Motors Owners Association - American Motors Owners Association, Inc., (AMO) is a Wisconsin chartered, non-profit organization, which exists expressly for the purpose of aiding and encouraging the use, enjoyment, preservation, and restoration of vehicles built by American Motors Corporation between 1958 and 1988 model years.
BMW Car Club of America - If BMW is the ultimate expression of your driving passion, we have a place for you in the largest association of BMW owners in the world. We could fill a whole page outlining all the member benefits.
Buick Club of America - is a non-profit membership corporation dedicated to the preservation and restoration of those vehicles built by the Buick Motor Division of General Motors Corporation.
Cadillac LaSalle Club Inc. - Regions and chapters of the Cadillac and LaSalle Club are where most of the action happens. If you are a CLC member in the United States and not a member of a region or chapter of the club, you are missing out on local activities in your area with like minded individuals that are more fun than you can imagine!
Citroen Club of America - Citroen Concours of America has been owned and operated by the Heilig family since 1980. The patriarch of the family, Hank Heilig, was educated as a Citroen mechanic at a Citroen dealership outside of Amsterdam, The Netherlands and has been continuously working on Citroens since 1949.
Classic Car Club of America - telephone 847 390 0443
Ferrari Club of America - The 5,000 members of the world’s largest Ferrari club, the Ferrari Club of America, enjoy exciting track events, an internationally recognized Concours d'Elegance and a wide variety of year-round social activities.
Fiat Lancia Unlimited - Members receive a one year subscription to our full color publication of Ricambi, a bi-monthly magazine devoted exclusively to Fiat and Lancia automobiles. Ricambi is the only magazine of its kind published in the USA with a focus on USA specification cars. Each issue is packed with articles, photos, technical advice, classifieds ads and information on Chapter and National events, including the largest annual national gathering of Fiat and Lancia cars, the "Fiat Freak Out."
Ford Mid Ohio Ford Club Inc. - The Mid-Ohio Ford Club is a group of dedicated Ford lovers. Our membership, which exceeds 140, is devoted to Fords, Ford-powered vehicles and related products. We enjoy traveling together, partying together, and sharing experiences. Many of our events are for the whole family as membership is for the household.
Ford Early V-8 Club - The Early Ford V-8 Club of America was founded in San Leandro, California in 1963. Originally the club recognized only the 1932-1940 Fords. Recognition of the 1941-1948 Fords came about in 1973.
Ford Model T Club - The Model T Ford Club International was started in December 1952 in Chicago. The intention was to form a family oriented club where members could share their experience, knowledge, and most importantly drive the T's. Over the years the MTFCI has evolved into a truly International organization hosting tours and events in many countries throughout the world.
GTO Association of America - The mission of the GTO association of America is to preserve and promote the Pontiac GTO and offer enthusiasts opportunities to share their common interest. We do this by promoting and publicizing the GTO Association of America, our Chapters, and our members.
Horseless Carriage Club of America - In essence, all automobiles are Horseless Carriages, but HCCA has defined the Horseless Carriage as any pioneer gas, steam and electric motor vehicle built or manufactured prior to January 1, 1916.
Jaguar Clubs of North America - Membership in Jaguar Clubs of North America (JCNA) is easy by joining one of the nearly 60 chapters located throughout North America. Membership in a local JCNA affiliate club, which includes membership in JCNA, offers the greatest benefit to you through local activities, services and information.
Lincoln & Continental Owners Club - The Lincoln and Continental Owners Club was formed in 1953 by Dr. Elliston Bell. The first National meet was held in Dearborn, Michigan, on October 16, 1954, with 151 Continentals participating. These included 1940 through 1948 Continentals only. The following year, there were two National Meets; an Eastern Meet was held in Bedford Spring, Pennsylvania, and a Western Meet was held in Santa Barbara, California.
Lotus Ltd. - LOTUS ReMARQUE is published monthly by Lotus, Ltd., P.O. Box L, College Park, MD 20741, U.S.A., an independent car club not affiliated with Group Lotus, Lotus Cars USA, Team Lotus, or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates. Lotus, Ltd. annual membership dues, which include a 12-issue subscription to LOTUS ReMARQUE
Mercedes-Benz Club of America - Founded in 1956, MBCA now has over 23,000 members across the U.S. and Canada. eighty local sections plan a variety of activities each month.
Mercury International Owners Association - You will be able to make contact with other members, keep up to date on upcoming events and find valuable info on any Mercury you may be interested in. Browse through our classifieds to find that dream car or hard to find part, check out pictures and stories about member's cars in our 'Member's Classics' section, or read a tech article on that repair you've been needing to do. month.
MGA North American Register - The Register was established in 1975, with the sole objective of promoting the restoration, preservation, and enjoyment of the MGA. As of 2007, over 7300 cars have been registered, with a standing membership of over 2100 individuals.
MGB North American Register - The NORTH AMERICAN MGB REGISTER was formed in late 1990 as the result of a strong demand for a non-profit, democratic organization which would be run by MG enthusiasts, for MG enthusiasts, wherein:
MG T New England Register Ltd. - contact us at 607 432 6835
Nash Car Club - Members receive a ROSTER, listing all members and their cars. The Club publication THE NASH TIMES is bi-monthly. The MARKETPLACE, a buy sell newsletter is mailed the other month.
National Corvette Restorers Society - Formed in 1974, the National Corvette Restorers Society is a non-profit hobby group of 15,800+ families dedicated to the restoration, preservation, history and enjoyment of Corvettes made from the model years 1953 through 1993.
National De Soto Club - The National DeSoto Club welcomes you to Homepage DeSoto, a special service to our members, and a courtesy to car enthusiasts around the world. Here the NDC hopes to instill a new appreciation for DeSoto, the automobile that so well embodied the virtues of comfort, style, innovation and value during its three decades of production. Though vanished from showrooms, DeSoto remains a symbol of the American automobile at its height. With a little searching and a little care, you can relive the best motoring had to offer - behind the wheel of a DeSoto. Homepage DeSoto will help you do just that.
National Woodie Club - Our club exists to promote interest in woodies; to educate owners and the public on their history, beauty, usefulness and uniqueness; and to provide an association through which woodie owners and enthusiasts may exchange information on history, building, restoration or modification techniques and share experiences. The woodie is a special kind of car, which deserves special recognition. The National Woodie Club will work toward that goal.
Oldsmobile Club of America - Established in 1971, OCA covers all phases of the collector car hobby. If it's antique, special interest or performance Oldsmobile related -- you'll find it under the OCA banner.
Opel Association of North America - Welcome to the home page of The Opel Association of North America. Our mission is to provide owners of all U.S. imported Opels a source for locating parts, technical assistance, and a forum for connecting with other U.S. Opel owners. Though our emphasis is on the '69-'73 Opel GT, '71-'75 Manta A/1900 series and the '68-71' Kadett models, we are here for all U.S. imported Opels from the 1957 Olympia-Rekord to any gray market imported Opel. Our ultimate goal is to keep the Opel marquee a presence in the U.S. and above all else have fun doing it.
Packard Automobile Classic Inc. (The Packard Club) - The Packard © Club is dedicated to preserving originality in the products and history of The Packard © Motor Car Company of Detroit, Michigan, a manufacturer of one of the greatest marques in world history; on land, in the air, or on the sea:
Pierce Arrow Society Inc. - The Pierce-Arrow Society is dedicated to the preservation of Pierce-Arrow Motor Cars and trucks, Pierce bicycles and motorcycles, Pierce-Arrow Travelodge trailers, and the literature, artwork, and history associated with the Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Company. With over 1000 members world-wide, the Pierce-Arrow Society offers members award winning publications, technical information, and the opportunity to meet and tour with other Pierce-Arrow enthusiasts at both the Annual Meet and Regional activities.
Pontiac GTO Association of America - The GTO Association of America welcomes its 45th and newest chapter, Nor Cal Goats, based in the San Francisco area. President is Greg Kopple of Vallejo, Calif.; Vice President is Ken Skistimas of Concord, Calif. Secretary is Colin O’Brien of Tracy, Calif.; Activities Coordinator is Joel Schmidt of Concord.
Pontiac Oakland Club International - POCI has both regional and non-regional specialty chapters. Joining a regional chapter gives the hobbyist an opportunity to meet other enthusiasts on a local level. Many chapters offer periodic newsletters, host car shows, banquets, barbecues and picnics, cruises and other fun-filled events. If you are a do-it yourself type, chances you will meet someone in the chapter that has done what you plan to do before, and can offer assistance, or at least moral support. Non-regional specialty chapters are dedicated to certain types of Pontiac, Oakland or GMC vehicles. Many chapters also print newsletters and can be of great technical assistance.
Porsche Club of America - The Porsche Club of America celebrates the finer things in life. We desire the comfort of good friends and good conversation, and we praise to a fault the world's finest automobile. With those attributes, our club has grown to 139 regions throughout the United States and Canada.
Porsche 914 Owners Association - The porsche914.org site is an online community of Porsche 914 fans and enthusiasts from around the world collaborating to expand the collective 914 knowledge base by sharing literally thousands of years of 914 ownership experience. There is no better on-line way to keep up with the latest Porsche 914 news and views! Be sure to bookmark this page and check back from time to time.
Porsche 356 Registry - Over 8000 members world-wide.
Riviera Owners Association - The Riviera Owners Association (ROA) is an International nonprofit organization formed in 1984, in the belief that the time had come for this great Buick to receive the attention it deserves. We are dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and promotion of the Buick Riviera. We concentrate on the needs of the Riviera Owner.
Rod & Custom Association - Good Guys - The Goodguys Rod & Custom Association promotes and produces some of the world’s most dynamic automotive events. Why? Because we’re car people, just like you. Founded by lifelong hot rodder Gary Meadors in 1983, Goodguys events feature thousands of candy colored hot rods and custom cars sprawled throughout venues such as lush fairgrounds, super speedways and large outdoor stadiums. The cars, the vendor exhibits, the live entertainment and colorful people create a festive atmosphere charged with electricity. Goodguys offers over 20 events annually across the country from the West Coast to the East Coast and all points in between. The events range from two-day affairs attended by 30,000 to 40,000 people to three and four day extravaganza's attracting over 100,000 auto enthusiasts.
Rolls Royce Owners Club - The Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club was founded in May of 1951 by six men. Our founders are: Charles Bradshaw, John McFarlane, Fred Roe, John Schaler, Peter Shavney, and Sam Shoup. The first membership directory, which listed 212 members, was issued in October of 1951. Membership is now over 9,000 members worldwide.
SAAB Club of North America - Membership in the Saab Club of North America (SCNA) includes a personalized membership card that identifies you as a member in good standing. The card can be used to get discounts on parts and/or service at all participating Saab dealerships and independent garages. Membership includes a subscription to NINES magazine, published six times a year and two Saab Club of North America logo stickers for your cars. Future SCNA website updates will include access to a Members Only section.
Studebaker Drivers Club Inc. - More than 12,500 members who share a passion for all things Studebaker, and especially enjoy sharing time, knowledge, fun and memories with their fellow members. Most SDC members also belong to one of more than 100 chartered local SDC chapters in most US States and Canadian Provinces. There are also SDC chapters and affiliated Studebaker clubs around the world.
Triumph Vintage Register - The Vintage Triumph Register (VTR) is a North American Triumph car club of over 2,800 Triumph owners and enthusiasts supporting and showcasing all models of Triumphs. This award-winning VTR web site has been assembled through the co-operative efforts of many VTR members to make these pages a current and accurate resource for Triumph enthusiasts worldwide.
Vintage Chevrolet Club of America - Our members share information and pictures on restoring their vehicles and their experiences touring with vintage Chevrolets. There are many activities through the year hosted by our regions, which include Tours, Swap Meets, Car Shows, National Area Meets, and an Anniversary Meet every five years.
Vintage Thunderbird Club International - Only VTCI members, chapter clubs or paid "Thunderbird Scoop" advertisements will be allowed a link on our website. You may however post ANY Thunderbird related subject at our forum area. This includes events, for sale, wanted, technical help, and/or general discussion. You must be registered (but do not need to be a VTCI member) with the forum to post. NO vendor "for sale items" please, they will be removed.
Volkswagen Vintage Club of America - Although we're a small club of sorts, we've got members from across the country and around the world, including memberships in Canada, England, Japan, Finland and other countries. We're an association of individuals who largely own air-cooled Volkswagens of all shapes and sizes. Though our focus is primarily air-cooled, we invite any Volkswagen owner of any year to join our club.
Volkswagen Club of America - We began as a handful of Beetle owners in 1955 who felt the need to organize for our mutual support and benefit - to "help the VW owner enjoy his car to the fullest," as is our motto. Since then, we have grown to thousands, from coast to coast, in Canada, Mexico and several other foreign lands. Our members range from teenagers to retirees, from natives of the fatherland to those not yet born when our Club was founded over 40 years ago. You'll find in our midst every VW model from 1940s era Beetles to the latest 16-valve version, including every Bus, Ghia and Audi in between. In short, we are owners and drivers, neither supporters nor critics, with collectively thousands of years of experience to share with each other.
Volvo Club of America - The magazine of the Volvo Club of America, Rolling is published six times annually and contains current news, technical information, and historical and general interest articles, as well as a calendar of events, regional and chapter news, classified advertising, and various discount sources. The magazine provides articles devoted to the maintenance and enjoyment of all Volvo models.
Walter P. Chrysler Club - The WPC Club, named after Walter P. Chrysler, founder of the Chrysler Corporation is a world-wide, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and enjoyment of Chrysler Products, namely Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto, Chrysler, Imperial, Fargo, Jeep, Eagle and related vehicles, including antecedents Maxwell and Chalmers Motor Cars.
Collector Vehicle Auctions
Barrett Jackson Collectible Car Auction - Throughout the years, innovative changes have sparked growth at Barrett-Jackson and vaulted the family-run auction company onto a worldwide stage. As a result, a hobby once dominated by dealers and the ultra-wealthy is now enjoyed by families, first-time buyers and general enthusiasts. As the industry continues to evolve, Barrett-Jackson will remain at the forefront by offering the world’s most desirable vehicles and an experience that appeals to everyone.
Bud Ward's Auction Company - If you have any questions about our cars for sale, our antique and classic car auctions please enter our site here.
Central Pennsylvania Auto Auction - Family owned and operated since 1987, Central Pennsylvania Auto Auction is currently in our 21st year of business. Grant Miller, President/ C.E.O. of CPAA maintains “Customer Service Is Our Top Priority” servicing Dealers, Financial Institutions, and Fleet-Lease Accounts the way we would like to be treated is what our auction is all about. Everyone is treated in the same manner. The personal individualized attention one receives from the time they walk through the door at CPAA makes our auction unique in this competitive industry. Aside from that, CPAA is a five lane facility which offers 600-700 units every Thursday at 10:00AM, including 100-150 Off Lease, Daily Rentals and Bank Repossessions as well as a monthly Utility Vehicle Auction held every third Thursday and a Late-Model “Scratch & Dent” sale as scheduled.
RM Auctions - The story of RM is one of passion, determination and a level of expertise about classic cars that is unrivalled. From its modest beginnings as a one-man restoration shop in founder Rob Myers’ garage, to becoming a world leader in vintage automobile auction, restoration and sales, the history of this successful and dynamic company is one worth sharing.
VanDerBrink Auctions - We will work with you on a friendly “one-to-one“ basis with a common goal, a successful auction or real estate sale. We will work 100% for you to help you get top-dollar the day of your sale. At VanDerBrink Auctions, we provide auctions and real estate services with the “seller” in mind. We keep in mind that you have worked hard all your life and we want to do the best job we can for you.
The Branson Auction - Enter the site for auction information
Pre-Owned and Used Classics & Exotic Vehicles
Sinor Prestige Automobiles - Sinor Prestige Automobiles, Inc. has been in existence since the spring of 1982. Our enthusiasm and passion for the hobby started in the mid sixties and resulted in the formation of our corporation in 1982 that continues to thrive today. We have sold many cars belonging to enthusiasts from across the country and a few cars from our private collection when a desire to acquire something different has surfaced. Sinor Prestige Automobiles is not our principal source of income, but rather a passion that we have for the hobby and the automobiles. As a result, we are able to be very selective and focused with the cars we represent, we are able to offer the best brokerage fees in the industry, and that results in us being able to offer the best of the best when it comes to service and vehicles. Our ad often reads “No Smoke, No Lights, No Mirrors, and No Excuses.” We buy, sell, trade, locate, collect and restore automobiles with a passion. With many repeat customers, many individuals not only purchase from us, but also continue to use us when they decide to sell.Having owned several very unique original vehicles which include the only NCRS Bowtie 1964 Fuel Injected Corvette, the only NCRS Bowtie 1965 396 Corvette to have also receive the coveted Duntov Mark of Excellence Award, the only NCRS Five Star Bowtie-NCRS Duntov-Bloomington Historic Survivor-Bloomington Gold-Bloomington Benchmark L89 Convertible in existence, to one of possibly two surviving 1930 Willys Rumble Seat Roadsters, if it rolls, we have had or do have an interest in it. We have also sold some of the rarest, best and most valuable Corvettes. 1953 “003” the oldest surviving production Corvette, several Heavy Duty Brake & Suspension 1958-1962 Corvettes -three of those had the big tank option, the “Music Car” a 8,000 mile red/red 1967 435 convertible, a 10,000 mile black/black 1967 435 coupe, and a 19,000 mile 1969 L88, to mention a few, the lists is long.
Sloan Cars - pre-owned Porsche Specialist - Hand picked by Richard Sloan
Manufacturers & Suppliers of Quality Antique American Car & Truck Parts
Antique Auto Battery - We are the world's largest supplier of hard rubber raised letter antique batteries licensed by the big three. We offer complete coverage of accurate reproduction batteries for all makes and models. We offer hard rubber script cases, correct caps and the tar top's have our famous non sticky Poly Tar (R). We have the finest quality dry charged factory fresh batteries available for your car or truck. We have a complete line of show quality cables. We stock classic and antique auto batteries for the following makes and model cars, AMC, Nash, Cadillac, Buick, Camaro, Checker, Chevelle, Chrysler, Chevrolet, Chevy Corvair, Corvette, Dodge, DeSoto, Duesenburg, Edsel, Firebird, Ford, GTO, Hudson, Nova, Terraplane, Jaguar, Jeep, Kaiser, Frazer, Henry J., Lincoln, MG, Mercedes, Mercury, Mustang, Oldsmobile, Packard, Plymouth, Pontiac, Porshe, Rambler, Rolls-Royce, Studebaker, Thunderbird, Willys. Don't Forget our British import batteries covering the following British Cars - 1945-1969 Austin, Austin-Healy, Bentley, Hillman, Jaguar, MG, Morris Minor, Rolls-Royce, Rover, Sunbeam, and Triumph with correct Lucas cases and caps and also our famous non-sticky POLY TAR**. 100% Correct.
Buick Reatta Parts - To inquire about parts or place orders call: (480) 239-2788
Benchwick Carburators - Large inventory of NOS carburators To inquire about call: (330) 782 3767
Blue Oval Truck Parts - Ford Trucks and Broncos 1948 to 1996 - Welcome to Blue Oval Truck Parts your 1948-1996 parts and accessories headquarters for Ford Truck, Bronco, Bronco II, Explorer, Ranger and Diesels and thank you for stopping by to check us out. With over 40 years of automotive experience, one thing we know for certain is each and every time you visit Blue Oval Truck Parts you will find something new that will compel you to visit us over and over again. What sets us apart from the competition, besides our excellent customer service and the quality and selection of the 1948-1996 Ford Trucks, 1966-1996 Broncos, 84-90 Bronco II's, 91-94 Explorer, 83-05 Ranger and 1992-2006 Diesel parts offered, is the continued ongoing improvement of our site to make it more functional and user friendly, while at the same time providing value added information. All of us here at Blue Oval Truck Parts look forward to providing you with the service and quality you deserve when looking for your NOS, reproduction, replacement, or custom made Ford Truck and Bronco part or accessory. Our goal is to become your one stop shop, Ford Truck Enthusiast Online Community. We welcome any comments, questions, corrections, and or feedback you may have and take pleasure in being of service to you.
Classic Chevrolet Parts H & H Classic - Over 16000 items available on our online catalogue.
Danchuk 1955 - 56 - 57 Chevrolet Parts - Very few things have excited us over the years as much as this new website. We have spent the better part of a year working to make this the most user friendly and aesthetically pleasing site in the industry. We are still working very hard updating it on a daily basis and ask that you please be patient with us. If there are bugs we will squash them as fast as humanly possible. Where you see our “Photo Coming Soon” graphic, know that we are literally adding new photos daily. Thank you for your continued support and please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your e-commerce experience more enjoyable.
Ecklers's Automotive from 1955 - Corvette - Chevy - Camario - Chevelle - El Camino - Chevy Trucks - For over 30 years Eckler’s family of automotive parts companies have been the automotive enthusiast’s choice for restoration parts and accessories for Chevrolet, Mercedes-Benz, and Porsche. We have the broadest selection of parts and accessories in the industry - with nearly 100,000 products available. Click on any of the images below to be directed to the most comprehensive collection of parts and accessories for your vehicle anywhere!
Fairlane Company - Fiberglass Manufacturer - Ford & Chevy Models - We are the manufacturer of FAIRLANE fiberglass products; always working hard to keep our quality the very best. With this as our objective since building our first parts in 1979, we have steadily built our business, to the point where we are now recognized nationwide for high quality fiberglass products. It is important to you (and to us) that our parts accurately replicate the steel originals. If you try our products, we believe you will discover that we have succeeded in producing accurate parts. Our skilled technicians use only the best raw materials and laminating technology to create both the molds and the parts. Each member of our team cares greatly about your satisfaction, and takes great pride in their efforts to produce parts which enhance your vehicle. Our goal is to "givesuch outstanding quality, value, and service, that we will earn your highest esteem and future business."
Long Island Corvette Supply Inc. - Long Island Corvette Supply, Inc is THE 1963-1967 Corvette parts source. Offering the most complete line of highest quality restoration parts for the midyear (63-67). We have been in business over 27 years, Manufacturing excellent reproductions & supplying Corvette parts for the Midyear, Sting Ray (63,64,65,66,67) Corvette Community.
Mercedes Parts Manufacturer - K&K Mfg. Inc. - We're a leading supplier of parts for 107, 111, 113, 190 chassis Mercedes Benz cars. K&K Manufacturing was started in August of 1982 in the home and garage of Tim & Pat Kidder. We took over making parts for Barry Stuart who started making floor parts for the 190SL. My wife was 7 months pregnant with our second child when I quit my job to go full time into this business. My 3 year old son had to wear safety glasses to watch TV because of my hand cutting steel parts in our living room. We grew from our home into a 12,000 sq ft. building on 11 industrial acres by 1986.
Midwest Power Products - Specializing in remanufacured Vacs and Boosters - We remanufacture power brake components back to OEM specs using quality American-made parts. For more information, contact us at 815-942-0550
MSD Ignition - Autotronic Controls Corp. (ACC) was founded in 1970 as a research and development company by two engineers from White Sands (New Mexico) Missile Range. The men and their other partners were working on a lean burn fuel system called the Electrasonic Fuel Induction system to help fuel economy of new and older automobiles. As the new fuel system was being perfected, the air/fuel mixture was becoming so lean that it was difficult for conventional breaker points and early electronic ignitions to ignite it. The men of ACC then started investigating a new ignition system by using modern technology called capacitive discharge (CD). The CD design opened another door for the ignition, the capability to spark multiple times. ACC has produced the best performing and most popular performance ignitions for over 20 years. The high energy spark of the CD design combined with multiple sparks resulted in a potent ignition. Not only did the multiple spark discharge (MSD) ignite the lean fuel mixture, it made overall improvements in the engine's performance! Improved starting, smooth idle, less emissions and more power are benefits every car and truck can take advantage of, especially race cars.
Obsolete Ford Parts Company 1948 to 89 Ford cars and trucks - Welcome to the Obsolete Reliable Website, where you'll find all the parts you need for classic Ford cars and trucks. We specialize in those hard to find parts that you've tried to locate for years and years but haven't had any luck. So feel free to check out the catalogs we have for order by browsing in the cars and trucks section and place an order today!
Mercury Parts - Mercury Land 1949 to 1966 Full size models - New reproduction and used parts, rubber gaskets, seals, prommets, emblems and accessories.
PI Motorsports, Inc. - Pantera and De Tomaso Parts and Supplies
Restoration Specialties & Supply, Inc. - Our company was started in 1974 as a small antique auto parts supplier. Since then we have grown into one of the leading suppliers of hard to find restoration parts. Our inventory includes: window channel, belt weatherstrips, rubber weatherstripping, rubber bumpers & grommets, sedan decking, bias, welts & windlace, fenderwelt, hoodlace, door panelboard & cowlboard, clips & fasteners, moulding bolts, finishing screws & washers, bumper bolts, trimming sundries, speed nuts, wire loom and many other hard to find antique auto parts. We now manufacture different window channel and belt weatherstrip kits under our trademark name "Topcat Whiskers". We can supply parts for most cars manufactured prior to 1980.
SNG Barratt USA - all current and classic Jaguars 1949 onwards - SNG Barratt is the world's leading supplier of spare parts for Jaguar & Daimler Cars. Around 101,500 parts lines available, Over 9,300 in stock Daimler V8 parts - Daimler Dart spares - Jaguar MK.II parts - E-type spares - Jaguar XK120, 140 & 150 parts, XJ6, XJ12, XJS, XJ40 parts S-type & X-Type parts - X300 parts - XK8 & XJ8 parts.
T-Bird Parts 1958 to 1966 - Bob's Bird House - With our walk-in retail store and mail order service we can provide you with everything you need to completely restore your T-Bird to its former glory including the finest reproduction upholstery, carpet, headliners, trunk mats, wheel covers, skirts, dashboards, floor mats, door skins, re-chromed bumpers and trim, suspension parts, exterior body panels, weather-stripping, manuals, tonneau covers, wire wheels, radiators, convertible tops, auto cleaning products, and new exhaust parts. New parts - Reproduction Parts and thousands of used parts -- too numerous for our catalog.
TC Parts - Chrysler TC by Maserati Parts - To inquire about parts or place orders call: (928)386-0999 fax: (330)762-6234
The Filling Station Chevrolet and GMC Cars 1916 to 1964 - Trucks 1918 to 1987 - We are celebrating 30 years in business in 2009! You will find a huge selection of restoration and hot rod parts for both cars & trucks. Our printed catalog is over 380 pages, full of parts to help you get your car or truck back on the road. An example of items we carry are: a full line of flat and curved glass, a large stock of reproduction rubber items, including windshield, back glass and vent window seals; trunk and door weatherstrips, sheet metal repair panels, emblems, nameplates, hubcaps, floor mats and carpet kits. Interior plastics including dash, radio and heater knobs. Mirrors, LED tail lights & lenses, dash glass and decals,suspension, brakes, wiring harnesses and other mechanical parts.... Specializing in pickup bed kits, bed strips, bolts, tailgates and bed panels. Shop manuals, owner's manuals, restoration "How To" books and much more!! Sign up for our eNewsletter (at top of page) and get information on new products and tech articles - about one per month.
Tee-Bird Products Inc. - We've been supplying quality parts for your classic Ford since 1973. We specialize in 1954 - 56 Ford parts and 1955 - 57 Thunderbird parts. We also stock parts for 1957-1959 Ford cars although these parts are not yet listed on this site. In addition, we have in stock parts for Peugeot 505, 405 and Citroen CX. (It's a long story, don't ask!)
Thunderbirds USA - 1955, 56, 57 Parts Supply & Restoration - To inquire about parts or place orders call: (800) 842 5557 Alabama call 205 758 5557
Thunderbirds Headquarters - 1955 - 66 Thunderbird Parts - To inquire about parts or place orders call: (800) 227 2174
Replacement Tubes - Classic Tubes - Classic Tube proudly manufactures Prebent Tubing products for automotive and industrial applications. Brake, Fuel, Transmission and Vacuum Lines manufactured in O.E. steel, stainless steel and aluminum tubing from 1/8" to 1" diameter, to O.E.M. specifications or custom for cars, trucks, and street rods. Complete with fittings. Get an exact match for your vehicle. Stainless Steel Exhaust Tubing and Aluminum Intake/Cooling System Tubing, straights from 3/4" to 5" diameter. Also Mandrel bent U-bends, J-bends*, 90°, 45°, 15°*. *SS only. Disc brake conversion kits for cars and trucks.
Steve's Camaros - 1967 - 81 Camaros - 1967 - 69 Firebirds - Thank you for visiting the Steve's Camaro web site. Within our Online Super Store you’ll find the most complete selection of first-generation 1967 1968 and 1969 Camaro restoration parts. In some cases we offer multiple choices of the same Camaro part so you can choose what represents the best value for your investment. No other Camaro supplier in the business comes close to our selection. If it's new we are trying to get it!! If you want to be sure you're getting the right parts in the best available quality with service to match, we think you should give us a try.
Wescott's Auto Replica Bodies - We have been in the street rod business since 1954, building some of the first fiberglass replacement fenders. We've been building 1932 roadster replica bodies for 30 years-- and some of the earliest bodies are still on the road!
Wood And Parts Horkeys- 1928 - 2005 Ford / 1934 - 2005 Chevy GMC / 1939 - 2005 Dodge - Horkey’s Wood and Parts offers top quality, domestic and exotic hardwood and stainless steel pickup bed floors. Since 1980, we’ve supplied all the parts necessary to make your Chevy-GMC, Ford, Dodge, Military, International, Hudson, Studebaker and Custom dreams become a reality. We also developed the SHOW DECK bedliner, the ultimate in cosmetic upgrades. Custom made to fit pickups with a steel floor or for trucks that are in need of a new floor. The SHOW DECK is mounted to a rubber padded aluminum sub-frame and simply rests on top of the existing floor.A screwdriver and tape measure are all the tools needed for assembly. We also offer OLD MASTERS marine grade Spar Varnish. This is a superior exterior wood coating formulated with ultra-violet absorbers, providing a high quality flexible finish that withstands the elements. There’s nothing like the rich beauty of stained wood. OLD MASTERS Stains add a rich even color tone enhancing the grain patterns, rivaling the look of exotic hardwoods, allowing you to create a complimentary color for the wood.
Manuals & Literature
Johnson Literature - World's most complete selection - We are one of the United States' largest mail order dealers of car and truck factory literature. Founded in July 1986 we have been in business for over 17 years. Shop manuals are available online, for inquiries regarding our other merchandise or if you can't find what you're looking for
Junkyards & Used or Recycled Parts
Junktown USA - French Lake Auto Parts - Over 100 acres of cars. All makes and models from 1900 to present. Speicializing in older vehicles. French Lake Auto Parts -- 3531 County Road 3 NW -- Annandale, MN 55302 (320) 274-8497 (320) 286-2560 (320) 274-3079- FAX
Manufacturers of Quality Classic American Muscle Car Parts
Dynacorn Classic Bodies Inc. Quality Classic American Muscle Car Parts - In addition to all the features available for the muscle car enthusiast, we now offer a catalog of available parts, in PDF format, night or day. 24 hours. All you will need will be a PDF reader (available for free at www.adobe.com). The enthusiast will still be able to ask Joe Parts, look at the new items offered, search for dealers near them, or find a dealer by going to our dealer links page. You can check availability of a certain part, and see where it is available. We are excited about our ability to give you these features as, I am sure, our dealers are excited about being offered the customer service and the ordering ability...late at night, after the 42nd cup of coffee. Come visit us again and again. We get new parts every week. The more you use this site, the easier it gets to use. See what’s new, check out Joe Parts and have fun. After all, isn’t that what the Internet is supposed to be about? And, the next time you need something for your classic car, why not ask for a part from dii...you can’t go wrong...really.
Patrick's Antique Cars and Trucks - Your headquarters for the finest in engine rebuild parts and vintage speed equipment.
Manufacturers of Quality Antique British Car Parts
Victoria British MGB - Spitfire - Austin Healey Parts - Our catalogs are the most detailed, fully illustrated and accurate information source available, anywhere. Some customers say our catalogs become their restoration guidebook. Our catalogs are Free. When you do business with Victoria British Ltd. on the Internet, telephone, fax or mail you will receive the same quality of great service that has become our reputation. Great prices with convenience on thousands of original equipment, reproduction and high performance parts plus accessories, upholstery, rubber and chrome trim. Your catalog is fully illustrated to help make ordering easy. Huge amounts of inventory provide the specific parts you need in the shortest time possible, delivered direct to your door! We are automotive specialists with over 25 years experience in helping you, the enthusiast, restore or maintain your pride and joy. If you need more convincing here are TEN more reasons why you should give us a try.
Manufacturers of Quality Porsche Parts
NLA Limited - The ultimate source for Porsche 356 and Porsche 911 restoration parts - Here, you will find one of the most extensive Porsche 356 and Porsche 911 parts inventory in the world. In addition to our own manufacturing, we supply Porsche parts from many sources including OEM suppliers. Your Porsche will receive the best quality parts, tools and supplies at reasonable prices with unparalleled customer service and support by the most knowledgeable sales staff in the industry.
Manufacturers of Quality Antique Truck Parts
LMC Truck Parts - Chevrolet - GMC - Ford - Dodge - Great prices and convenience. Reproduction and high performance parts.
Manufacturers of Quality Metal, Aluminum and Semi Rigid Framed Enclosures (Garages)
Copper Star Products - Here at Copperstar Products, we understand exactly how much time, effort, money, and love you put into your vehicle. You have spent hundreds of hours researching and/or building your car. You spend thousands of hours keeping your car clean and safe, and you have tens of thousands of dollars invested. Your pride and joy deserves the protection that the AIRCHAMBER provides. Protect your car from children, pets, and the everyday accidents that happen in your garage. You'll enjoy being able to actually see your car, not just a dusty cover - and be able to drive at a moment's notice, not after dragging that bulky cover over your paint. The AIRCHAMBER provides security, mold and rust prevention in a convenient, see through, self supporting storage chamber. Keeping the car dry internally is the most difficult item to accomplish with any storage method, but the AIRCHAMBER's constant flow of air accomplishes this with ease for only pennies a day. Protect your car - inside & out - and enjoy it whenever you want with the AIRCHAMBER!
Manufacturers of Custom Covers
Auto Chic - Available in six fabrics: All-Weather Xtreme®, WeatherAll®, AC Outdoor, Cotton/Poly, 100% Cotton Flannel or 100% Cotton Non-Flannel. All covers feature long lasting, double-stitched seams; elastic in front and rear hems for snug fit; and reinforced grommets for tie-down. All fabrics and covers are made in the U.S.A. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Car Jacket - A jacket protects your car or motorcycle while it is in storage, blocking rust, dust, insects, mold and prying eyes. Our customers never cease to be amazed when their investments emerge from a jacket looking exactly how they entered.
Manufacturers of Quality Reproduction Gas Pump Parts
Gas Pump Heaven - You might have noticed that the new name for US Park Drive Garage is Gas Pump Heaven. Everything is the name except the name! You will still get the same great service that you have come to expect! Gas Pump Heaven is one of the largest manufacturers of reproduction gas pumps and parts in the region. Each pump is hand crafted out of metal and built on site. And each pump is powder-coated for a high quality and durable finish. Also, custom paint jobs are available for an extra charge. All of us here at Gas Pump Heaven thank you for your business!
Collector Custom Chrome Plating
Advanced Custom Chrome Plating - Your one stop for all your chroming needs, and now recognized world wide. That's right we have been recognized for our quality work in other countries, receiving requests for our services as far away as England. With Advanced Custom Chrome our quality speaks for itself. We are number one in quality, world wide, thanks to our loyal customers. We can chrome almost any metal either as a re-chrome, or for the first time. We can also repair your broken or damaged parts, in most cases.
All Brite Metal - To inquire about parts or place orders call: (215) 423 2234
Lakeside Custom Plating Inc. - If you are looking for a full-service Show Chrome and Brass restoration company, look no further than Lakeside Custom Plating, located in Conneaut, Ohio. We are a full-service company specializing in chrome plating and brass plating for classic, muscle, vintage, and antique cars, motorcycles, and boats. We are well known for accomplishments working with pot metal restoration. The Lakeside process is copper, nickel, chrome, which insures a brighter appearance and a longer life finished product.
Paul's Chrome Plating Inc. - For an estimate on your parts please phone 1-800-245-8679 between 9 a.m. & 5 p.m. eastern time Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. & 3 p.m. eastern time Friday, or Saturday by appointment. Prices will be firmed only upon actual examination of your items.
Tuff Stuff Performance Accessories - Manufacturing custom finished components for hot rods and custom cars is our only business. Available powder coating, plating, and polishing options create a variety of textures and contrasts to set your engine - and your car - apart from all the others. We are experts in the processes necessary to create each of those special decorative finishes.
Collector Performance Engine Rebuilders
Nordstroms Factory Performance - Nordstrom's Factory Performance is your source for EZ2RUN Fuel Injected Engines and aftermarket Hot Rod and Muscle Car Accessories. We take the pain out of fuel injection so you can build your dream project. Our EZ2RUN Fuel Injected Engine Packages allow you to drop modern, clean, reliable, fuel injected power into your project with only a few wire hook up. No more guess work. Nordstrom's Factory Performance does more than just sell our products. We provide full technical help services and can install our parts for you. No matter what your need Nordstrom's Factory Performance is your source.
Collector Interior , Tops, Upholstery and Fabrics
Just Dashes - Just Dashes is the interior parts restoration company of choice when only the best will do. Their award winning vinyl parts restorations appear in many national points champions and magazine project vehicles. Your parts are restored by expert craftsmen using state-of-the-art vinyl materials in the correct grain for your application. There is NO OTHER restoration service that can create the quality, authenticity and perfect fit available from Just Dashes. Follow along as we show you the beginning to end process. The restoration process starts with your call to Just Dashes for information and pricing. Their knowledgeable staff can write up your work order even before you ship your parts, putting you into the production schedule and saving valuable time.
Hydro E Electric - Tops - At Hydro-E-Lectric, we stand behind our parts and offer a 5 year warranty on all our convertible top cylinders, convertible top motor pumps, and convertible top hose sets used with automatic transmission fluid - please see our warranty page for more details.We carry a full line of convertible tops, convertible top cylinders, convertible top motor pumps, convertible top hose sets, weatherstripping, convertible top latches, boots, well liners, carpet sets, manuals, relays, window cylinders, window motors, hold down tension cables, vent gears, car covers, header bows, rear tack bows / trim sticks and much more for foreign and U.S. cars from 1946 through present day.
LeBaron Bonney Company - We offer interior kits, tops, upholstery, fabric and a wide range of replacement parts for Fords, Chevys and other antique cars via our website, catalogs and our certified partners. For more information or to place an order, call us today at 1-800-221-5408.
Collector Wire Wheels
Dayton Wire Wheels - Insist on genuine Dayton Wire Wheels ™ – The undisputed quality leader in manufacturing wire wheels. Manufactured in the U.S.A. since 1916 , our wheels combine precision engineering and premium construction that allow us to offer the industries only maintenance free wire wheel (never need truing).
Collector Auto Custom Carpets
Auto Custom Carpets - Welcome to Auto Custom Carpets, where we offer the largest auto interior product line in the industry! Here at ACC, we sell auto replacement carpet, auto floor mats, truck floor mats, and more to fit virtually every vehicle manufactured since the mid-1940's. Be aware, these are not "one-size-fits-all" products. Our automotive carpet is all custom-manufactured at the time of your order to perfectly fit the exact make, model and year of your vehicle. Do you miss that "new car" look and smell? Let ACC help you to restore it. We can make a big impact on your auto's interior - for relatively little money!
Collector Auto Wire Harnesses
Rhode Island Wiring Services - We start with modern plastic insulated, stranded copper wire, and braid or dye it in our own machines with quality cotton or dye in the correct color codes. We process our braided wire through our lacquer tower where it receives two separate types of protective coatings. The first, to seal and bond the braid to the insulation; the second, to resist physical damage. The chemicals we use make our products, unlike those of most other manufacturers, self extinguishing out of the presence of an open flame, conforming to Underwriters Laboratory specifications FR-1.
Collector Car Lubricants & Rust Prevention
Auto Rust Technicians - Here at Auto Rust Technicians, our goal is to correct your rust problems and help you restore your classic car's structural integrity. We can also help you fix a small rust problem on your daily driver before it becomes a big (expensive) rust problem. Auto Rust Tech has been reconstructing rusted cars and trucks for 30 years now. The company was created in 1977. With a background in engineering, and hailing from the manufacturing mecca of Detroit, Michigan, Jerry wanted to be in business manufacturing products for the automotive industry.
AMS Oils - AMSOIL INC. was founded on Al Amatuzio’s desire for technical innovation, his commitment to high quality and his belief that consumers would respond to a superior product. The company has remained true to these ideals; its history is a checklist of revolutionary products that have withstood the tests of time. As the pioneer corporation in the field of synthetic lubrication, AMSOIL sees its Commitment to Excellence as a historical responsibility, and A.J. Amatuzio’s energy and vision continue to drive the company forward.
KBS - Surface coatings & rust protection products - Founded in the heartland of America by key personnel having collectively over 85 years of experience in material science formulation, manufacturing & distribution of surface coatings, the KBS Coatings entrepreneurial spirit & success continues around the world. KBS Coatings attributes its growing success to its commitment to research, ability to evolve and innovate, high tech manufacturing and revolutionary rust stopping products. The addition of never seen before colors of off-white, oxide red & guardian green to its paint pallet has led to the most advanced non-porous coating technology break-through others have yet to achieve. Outstanding products and permanent results have placed KBS Coatings at the forefront of rust prevention solutions for literally thousands of different types of applications world-wide.
MPT Industries - Since 1985, MPT® Industries has set the standard for improvements in lubrication technology. As a manufacturer of lubricants of unequaled quality, MPT Industries uses only the finest base stocks to produce lubricants that are guaranteed to outperform. MPT Engine Treatment and MPT Gear Treatment both contain unique formulations consisting of molybdenum and microscopic size PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) particles. MPT Twelve is the longest lasting lubricant and penetrant available. It prevents rust as its special molybdenum/PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) formula penetrates, cleans and lubricates, leaving a long-lasting protective film. MPT Fuel System Cleanse helps to increase fuel mileage and engine performance, and is safe for catalytic converters and emissions systems. And MPT Silicone/PTFE High-Performance Lubricant, MPT Moly PTFE Multi-Purpose Grease, MPT Moly/PTFE Assemby Lube and MPT Pneumatic Lubricant all provide superior protection for automotive, industrial, agricultural and household use.
Automotive Repair Equipment
Aresco Inc - Automotive Lifts - Specializing in car & truck lifts, brake lathes, pipe benders, tire changers, and wheel balancers, and much more! ARESCO, Inc. is the source for all of your automotive equipment needs. We carry a full line of equipment and replacement parts for most makes and models. With over 25 years of experience in the automotive industry, we at ARESCO are committed to providing our customers with quality products and service.
Metal Working Equipment - Woodward Fab - Whether your working on an old car, go cart, mini bike, tractor or the wing panel of a jet fighter we have the tools to get the job done right! While saving you time and money. We specialize in sheet metal working equipment. All the equipment we sell has been used and tested in our production shop, we sell only quality equipment from quality manufacturers that you can trust. And we have been in business since 1966.
Premium Spotweld Cutter - Blair Equipment Co. - Blair is your source for spotweld cutters and holemaking products. For over 50 years Blair has provided professionals and hobbyists the tools they need for automotive collision, racing, restoration, and fabrication
TP Tools & Equipment - Growing from a warehouse in Youngstown, OH to our 80,000 sq ft facility in Canfield took years of hard work. Becoming America's leading supplier of restoration and auto body repair tools took more; the continued support of our customers. That's why we strive to keep our customers happy with this promise: to offer the highest quality restoration tools at the lowest possible price with the best customer service we can provide.
Classic Restoration Specialists
Auto Interiors Ltd. Legendary - For over 23 years, the Legendary team has been developing and working with the automotive aftermarket bringing the past and future together. Today with our diverse capabilities we are also servicing the custom automotive and motorcycle industries. Whether you are looking for the most authentic original style or the wildest coolest custom and resto-mod interiors available in the marketplace.....Legendary Auto Interiors, Ltd. has what you need!!!! We are your final destination for quality parts and a great buying experience.
American Metal Cleaning - American Metal Cleaning, Inc. provides metal cleaning, stripping, de-rusting, oxygen, P.O.P. and recovery services for industrial, manufacturing, heating, waterworks and commercial applications. Our environmentally-friendly cleaning processes of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, from small parts to large industrial machinery, are vastly superior to the alternative cleaning methods that damage items, e.g., those via sand blasting, acid dipping, and hand stripping. Additionally, our services are economical and less time-consuming than typical industrial methods. Before you scrap it, consider American Metal Cleaning, Inc. to help with your rebuild, refurbishment, or recycle project. Our multi-step alkaline electrolytic immersion and/or thermal stripping and cleaning services safely and thoroughly remove rust and corrosion, oxides, mill, water and mineral scale, tar, grease, oil, sludge, glue, plastisols, lacquers, resins, acrylics, epoxies, enamels, base and high tech paints, including powder coatings, from a wide range of metals.
Bucket and Bench Seats - Wise Guys - Wise Guys custom manufactures quality seats and accessories for your hot rods, classic cars and vintage autos. From the frame and foam to the finished upholstered seat, you will know you have chosen wisely when riding in comfort down the street. When you have purchased that seat from Wise Guys Seats and Accessories in Elkhart, Indiana.
Classic Autoworks - We understand the passion associated with classic cars and trucks...the hours, days, months and years associated with (re)creating the vehicle of your dreams. Located just outside Rolla, Missouri in the beautiful rolling hills of the Ozarks, our team of restoration pros has over 100 years of experience restoring and customizing cars. We do it all...spot repairs, frame-off restorations, customs, conversions and anything in between.
CSI Restoration - CSI Auto Repair is committed to customer satisfaction and accuracy. We specialize in everything from minor oils changes to complete engine overhauls and those delicate computer related problems. With over 40 years of automotive repair experience, CSI is out to change the way repair shops do business. CSI Auto Repair is located at 1800 North Woodruff Avenue in Idaho Falls, Idaho. We have a large shop, hoists and the latest equipment for diagnosing and servicing all makes and models from American to European. Our clients include Government Fleet Contracts, local business contract, and walk-in customers. CSI Auto Repair values each and every client; past, present, and future.
Fen Restoration & Parts Supply specializing in classic Cadillacs - Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of American Classic Cars. Our world-renowned restoration shop has completed work on the finest Cadillacs winning first place A.A.C.A & Grand National awards. We offer full and partial restoration work and can design a plan for your restoration that can be fitted to your budget.
Melvin Benzaquen - At the helm of every Classic Restorations project is founder and president Melvin Benzaquen. A lifelong auto enthusiast and road racer, Melvin turned his passion for fine cars into an internationally recognized specialty auto restoration and modification business. An alumnus of the University of Michigan, Melvin earned an engineering degree from the renowned auto design and engineering program in Ann Arbor. He later went to work for Ford Engineering Research and Development. For several years, Melvin worked in the auto insurance industry. Melvin is a nationally recognized authority on classic American muscle car restoration and modification. He is a regular contributor to “High Performance Pontiac” magazine, both answering questions in the Tech Q&A section, and as subject of the Poncho Body Basics series. Melvin is actively involved in every project that comes through the garage, from installing exhaust systems to reshaping body panels, and even personally applies the decals at the end of a restoration. He is supported by a staff of highly skilled mechanics and artisans who work on five to ten project cars at a time. Melvin lives in Westchester County, near New York City, with his wife and family. When not at Classic Restorations, he often can be found at the racetrack or a car show.
Muscle Car Restoration Specialists - R & M Performance - Specializing in Muscle Car Restoration, Classic Automobile Restoration, & Turnkey Racecars. Our facility consists of two buildings, we have our main shop/ office area which is 24,000 square feet and our second building is our 5,000 Square foot storage facility. R & M Performance has 15 highly skilled technicians and fabricators working in our shop to give your muscle car or classic what it truly deserves.
Retro Radio Restoration - Antique radio repair
Speedometers, clusters, tachometers, controls, sending units and more - Bob's - Complete repair, restoration and custom work - all types of vehicles and motorcycles. 1 800 592 9673
Stearing Wheel Restoration - Gary's - With more than 20 years in the business of restoring only steering wheels. We take your old faded and cracked wheels and restore them to their original or even better condition! We restore all types of wheels, whether plastic or wood, and have extensive experience with the more out of the ordinary types - wood grain wheels, inlay-type wheels, and rim blow wheels to name but a few. Whether you have a domestic or foreign make, Gary's restoration process will bring your steering wheel back to life for many more years of enjoyment of your car.
Strip Co - Your Source For Sodablasting Equipment, Sodablast Media, Materials, Training, And Blasting Services.
Transport of Special Autos and Cycles
Auto Shippers Express - The legendary Service, Staffed with experienced professionals Auto Shipper’s Express is the vehicle transporter worthy to be trusted with the shipping of your vehicle. Since 1998 Auto Shipper’s Express has offered and executed the finest nationwide door-to door auto transport services available. Our exclusive geographic carrier tracking system allows us to ship all types of vehicles at the lowest possible rate. Auto Shipper’s Express has become the go to source for auto transport when you really need to get your vehicle shipped in a hurry. Although Auto Shipper’s Express can’t promise you overnight delivery, our Express Dispatch Service is unmatched for speed of pickup and travel time when it comes to auto transport. Our staff is available from 8-5 M-F 9-4 Saturday MST. Call for best rate.
Enclosed Vehicle Transport - Enclosed Vehicle Transport, our name says it all. We are a small privately owned auto and cycle transporting company. We provide door-to-door enclosed auto transport and motorcycle shipping service to all 48 states.
Express Auto Transport - Express Auto Transport has what you need in a trusted auto transporter. Express Auto Transport is your source for your car shipping services. We are nationwide and offer door-to-door shipping. Our experienced and licensed drivers will provide superior service in shipping your car, motorcycle and other vehicles to your desired location. Express Auto Transport specializes in the following: Car shipping Boat shipping Motorcycle shipping RV shipping Express Auto Transport can ship your car to anywhere you wish, including Alaska and Hawaii. We offer car transport in both open and enclosed trailers. We have been the premier auto movers for over 13 years. Our experience in the auto shipping industry has given us a reputation for quality and dependable service. Express Auto Transport will also give you the most competitive prices for your car shipping needs. Wherever you are shipping a car, let Express Auto be your car shipping company! Express Auto Transport will be your dependable and reliable auto mover. We will take care of your vehicle as if it is our own. We will also keep you updated on the progress of your transport so you know exactly where your vehicle is at all times. Auto shipping can be used when you’re moving to another state, migrating to a seasonal home, going away to college, or selling a car to an out-of-state customer.
McElley's Transport - Contact info - 812 655 4123 - open and enclosed transport
Poff Transportation Enclosed Auto Transport - We transport high line, exotic, new and collectible automobiles in our completely enclosed and secure auto-transporter. We only use soft tie downs to secure your car and car covers to protect from any dust, we also only use air ride equipment. We make weekly trips from California to the midwest, To request a free quote, please fill out the form found inside the Free Quote page or call 574-849-8539 and ask for Sheila and she will be happy to assist you. We love cars and what we do and we hope to become your perferred transport company. We operate from the Midwest to the Southwest. We can enclose up to six vehicles and we are family owned and operated and look forward to serving your needs.
Straight Road - Our 3 car no stacking trailers have the capacity to safely handle cars, boats, motorcycles, trucks, tractors and limousines, not to mention light aircraft and helicopters. Contact info 970 227 0237
Sunday Auto Transport - Utilizing the latest equipment, state of the art communications and tracking systems, our highly-trained, experienced fleet of drivers have the skills to properly care for your vehicle, and ensure it's safe, on-time delivery.